WaterShot Universal ATP Water Tests

WaterShot Free - Universal ATP Water Test - Available at Surface Balance Solutions

WaterShot universal ATP water tests are compatible with luminometers from other manufacturers. WaterShot tests cost up to 50% less than the test devices they are designed to replace and formulated to react to ATP in the same way. This eliminates the need to change any pass/fail limits.

Total or Free: What’s the difference?

WaterShot Total or Free - what's the difference?AquaSnap Total is designed to rapidly assess standards of hygiene, equipment sanitation processes, and the efficacy of Clean In Place (CIP) systems by detecting the presence of organic contamination from microbial and product residues. The honey-comb shaped dipper is coated with an agent that aids in sample collection and extraction of ATP from microbial and other organic cells. AquaSnap Free does not use the agent on the dipper, only detecting free (soluble) ATP in the sample. If using both tests on a sample, the difference in results is the bioload of the sample. The larger the difference the more microbial contamination in the sample.

Food and beverage facilities most commonly use AquaSnap Total since final rinse water from a CIP system should not have any microbial or product residue.

WaterShot Total - Universal ATP Water Test - Available at Surface Balance Solutions WaterShot Free - Universal ATP Water Test - Available at Surface Balance Solutions


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